
Adeline by Zack Wussow

I was really excited when Shannon and Kevin let me know they were expecting this first child - a happy baby girl named Adeline!

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I visited them at home for a quick newborn session. Adeline was a very cooperative model, though she found the whole process a little yawn inducing.

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Even their protective pup wanted to get in on the action!

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But there was never any doubt who was star of the show.

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Kobe! by Zack Wussow

(This is another long overdue post - or call it a throwback!)

Savannah and Andy were such a fun couple to work with, I was thrilled when I heard they were expecting their first child - a beautiful baby boy named Kobe!

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After a little initial fussing (hey, I’m cranky when I’m hungry, too), he settled in and was a perfect subject.

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He had a luxurious collection of stuffed animals…

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…and a really awesome space theme going in his nursery!

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And, obviously, the cutest little toes.

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Ailish at 2 by Zack Wussow

When I joined my friends Shannon and Andy for their daughter Ailish’s first birthday, she somewhat defied their plans by having little interest in smashing her cake.

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When I met up with Shannon for Ailish’s second birthday on a beautiful summer’s day, she defied them again by… really having no interest in summer, fields, nature, or the guy with the camera.

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But she did give us a few good smiles here and there, and then got to go have fun with her grandma, which I’m sure she was much more excited about. Plus, she gave me maybe my favorite photo I’ve ever taken, which should definitely be the album art for her first hit single some day:

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Sometimes you just gotta roar.

Three's Company by Zack Wussow

One of the vets at my wife’s work wanted some family photos, but in her case that meant her, her boyfriend, and their three pooches.


We met at a local trail on an early November morning to take advantage of the fall foliage. All the pups got individual photos, too. In order of appearance: Scooter, Stella, and Luna.


We took some photos of the humans, too, for some reason.


Baby Brother Arrived! by Zack Wussow

Jessica’s growing family was overdue for some pictures with the newest member. The little guy was very cooperative, and seemed to actually be pretty interested in the bright lights and big clicking machine.


We included mom, dad, and big sister in lots of photos as well. These are always my favorite photos!


A wonderful family I always love working with!

Spider-kid by Zack Wussow

I’m going to make you wait till the end to see what that title is about…

My friends Faith and Vic welcomed their first child, a smiling baby boy, into the world this January.

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Luckily we were able to do some newborn photos before social distancing kicked in. Vic V was ready for his close-up with a variety of creative expressions.

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After his individual pictures (and a feeding) it was time for family photos. I love these natural poses.

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And - at last - Spider-Kid learning the most important things about life from Spider-Dad.

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After all those wonderful photos, we had one sleepy baby.

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Baby Brother on the Way by Zack Wussow

Jessica contacted me about doing some maternity photos of her growing family.


We met at Valley Falls Park in Vernon, a convenient spot for both of us and one of my favorite haunts when I lived in town.


It took a some time to win over their little one (a common problem with two-year-olds) but we got there, and got some great photos of this adorable family.


Some of my favorite photos were a set poking fun at their contrasting taste in books…


…and a bunch just messing around with their daughter, who much preferred being the center of attention.


I’m looking forward to meeting their son in August!